Jobmonitor. Search results for redoxme AB

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  • redoxme ABx
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  • Company redoxme AB in Norrköping

    Detta är en annons för en doktorandtjänst inom elektrokemi. Arbetsspråket är engelska, och därför följer resten av annonsen på, a market leader in electrochemistry tools for science, is seeking a scientist to support R&D activities in the field of redox flow batteries. This position also entails undertaking an industrial PhD program conducted jointly by and Linköping University.Your work assignmentsA PhD student has various tasks such as attending courses, reading and learning on the research topic, design of experiments, performing experiments and analyzing the results, writing scientific articles, presenting orally the research in conferences, driving the research. More especially, the research topic is about electrochemistry, especially the electrocatalysis of...

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