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Company Logisnext Europe Sweden Center AB
in Mölnlycke
27.03.2025 Updated on: 30.03.2025
At MLE, we have a multi-brand, multi-channel, customer-first strategy driven by all the companies comprising the Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe family. This customer-centric approach begins with the meticulous design of our products. Led by our European Design Centre (EDC), its research and development (R&D) team work closely with customers to design and develop forklifts, warehouse equipment and AGVs with optimised user experience at the forefront, an approach that has been recognised by our many prestigious awards and, more importantly, the longstanding loyalty of our customers.Som HR Business Partner kommer du att arbeta nära verksamheten och supporta chefer och medarbetare i en dynamisk och ibland komplex miljö. Du kommeratt vara en del av ett HR-team på totalt sex personer och fokusera p...