Software Engineer within Automtoive

  • Senior Hardware (Designer Digital Computer Hardware)/ Göteborg

    Company VIPAS AB in Göteborg

    Join Our Team VIPAS AB as a  Do you have what it takes to thrive in the vibrant world of IT consulting? VIPAS AB, a burgeoning company, proudly invites you to embark on your next engaging project as our About VIPAS :Imagine a world where your business technology perfectly aligns with your goals—efficient, scalable, and innovative. At VIPAS AB, that’s exactly what we strive to create. As an IT consulting company, we don’t just offer services; we deliver tailored solutions using cutting-edge technologies like Java and Python. Our team is well-versed in software development, DevOps, and engineering, bringing years of experience and expertise. Think of us as your trusted guide, leading your organization through the landscape of modern tech adoption, ensuring every step is taken with confidence...

  • System Developer and Team Coach

    Company VIPAS AB in Other

    Join Our Team VIPAS AB as a  Do you have what it takes to thrive in the vibrant world of IT consulting? VIPAS AB, a burgeoning company, proudly invites you to embark on your next engaging project as our About VIPAS :Imagine a world where your business technology perfectly aligns with your goals—efficient, scalable, and innovative. At VIPAS AB, that’s exactly what we strive to create. As an IT consulting company, we don’t just offer services; we deliver tailored solutions using cutting-edge technologies like Java and Python. Our team is well-versed in software development, DevOps, and engineering, bringing years of experience and expertise. Think of us as your trusted guide, leading your organization through the landscape of modern tech adoption, ensuring every step is taken with confidence...

  • Junior Software Engineer till Josam!

    Company Professionals Nord Örebro AB in Örebro
    25.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    Har du ett genuint teknikintresse och vill vara med och utveckla framtidens teknik hos Josam? Perfekt! Nu söker vi dig som vill kliva in i rollen som Junior Software Engineer. Hos Josam får du arbeta i teknikens framkant i en familjär organisation. Välkommen med din ansökan, löpande urval!Information om tjänstenJosam, som numera är en del av Snap-on Inc. har sedan 1972 försett världens lastbils- och bussverkstäder med egenutvecklad teknik för mätning av hjulvinklar, sensorkalibrering och riktsystem. I Örebro arbetar totalt 25 kollegor, varav 2 personer med mjukvaruutveckling. Du kommer ingå i Örebro teamet, men ha kollegor i hela världen inom Snap-on Inc’s Global engineering nätverk.Du erbjuds• En anställning hos ett välmående bolag där du får arbeta med unika och häftiga produkter• Konkur...

  • Rotröteforskare med skogligt intresse

    Company Stift Skogsbrukets Forskningsinstitut, Skogforsk in Uppsala

    Vi söker dig som vill vara med och utveckla den tillämpade forskningen om rotröta och utveckla lösningar för att hantera den.Rotröta orsakar stora ekonomiska förluster årligen för det svenska skogsbruket. Inom Skogforsk kommer vi därför att utöka och utveckla vårt arbete med rotröta och anställa en forskare dedikerad till området. Vi söker dig som vill vara med och utveckla den tillämpade forskningen om rotröta och utveckla lösningar för att hantera den. Vårt erbjudandeVi erbjuder ett spännande, omväxlande och utvecklande jobb med goda möjligheter för egna initiativ. Huvuduppgiften är att i nära samarbete med branschen och att i samverkan med kollegor utveckla skogsskötselforskning för att förebygga rotröta. Du kommer att ansvara för datainsamling, analys och presentation av resultaten, bå...

  • Senior Software Engineer

    Company Cytiva Sweden AB in Uppsala
    25.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    Bli del av något störreÄr du redo att ta din potential till nästa nivå och göra verklig skillnad inom Life Science, diagnostik och bioteknik?På Cytiva, ett av Danahers 15 dotterbolag, räddar vårt arbete liv. Hos oss blir du del av en kultur som präglas av gemenskap och tillhörighet där ditt unika perspektiv spelar roll. Att arbeta på Cytiva innebär att ligga i framkant av att utveckla nya sätt att förbättra människors hälsa. Våra kunder bedriver allt från grundläggande biologisk forskning till att utveckla innovativa vacciner, nya läkemedel och cell- och genterapier.På Cytiva får du chansen att utvecklas tillsammans med oss och göra verklig skillnad för människor världen över. Ta chansen att bli del av något större. Läs mer om Danaher Business System som gör allt möjligt.Vi söker nu efter ...

  • System Developer-Linköping (Hybrid)

    Company VIPAS AB in Linköping
    25.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    Join Our Team VIPAS AB as a System Developer-Linköping (Hybrid) Location: Linköping, Östergötland County, Sweden Job Type: Fulltime ( Hybrid - 2 days a week) About VIPAS : Imagine a world where your business technology perfectly aligns with your goals—efficient, scalable, and innovative. At VIPAS AB, that’s exactly what we strive to create. As an IT consulting company, we don’t just offer services; we deliver tailored solutions using cutting-edge technologies like Java and Python. Our team is well-versed in software development, DevOps, and engineering, bringing years of experience and expertise. Think of us as your trusted guide, leading your organization through the landscape of modern tech adoption, ensuring every step is taken with confidence and foresight.Job Description:Vipas is hiri...

  • Full Stack System Developer-Norrköping, Sweden

    Company VIPAS AB in Norrköping
    25.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    Join Our Team VIPAS AB as a Full Stack System Developer Location: On-site in Norrköping, Sweden Full-Time: 100% Do you have what it takes to thrive in the vibrant world of IT consulting? VIPAS AB, a burgeoning company, proudly invites you to embark on your next engaging project as our Full Stack System DeveloperAbout VIPAS :Imagine a world where your business technology perfectly aligns with your goals—efficient, scalable, and innovative. At VIPAS AB, that’s exactly what we strive to create. As an IT consulting company, we don’t just offer services; we deliver tailored solutions using cutting-edge technologies like Java and Python. Our team is well-versed in software development, DevOps, and engineering, bringing years of experience and expertise. Think of us as your trusted guide, leading...

  • Senior Software Development Consultant till Cloud Enablers, Gö...

    Company Level Recruitment AB in Göteborg
    24.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    Vill du jobba med att mjukvaruutveckling i attraktiva kunduppdrag? Är du också övertygad att framtiden tillhör de bolag, oavsett bransch, som lyckas transformeras till datadrivna mjukvarubolag? Titta hit – för det är just det vi hjälper våra kunder med varje dag!  Om tjänstenI rollen som Senior Software Development Consultant är din främsta uppgift att utveckla moderna applikationer och tjänster enligt bästa praxis. Utöver detta får du även möjligheten att ta ledarrollen gentemot andra utvecklare hos kunden, aktivt delta i arkitektoniskt arbete och föreslå förbättringar i kundens tekniska miljö.Med din gedigna expertis och erfarenhet inom mjukvaruutveckling har du förmågan att implementera optimala lösningar för att överträffa kundens förväntningar. Din arbetsdag kommer att vara varierad o...


    Company IKEA IT AB in Malmö
    24.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    Your responsibilitiesThis role is to join the Store Operational Tools team in the Ingka Digital Physical Customer Meeting Point area as a Software Engineer. Here you will be part of a team that will develop, implement & rollout digital solutions that will enhance co-workers & customer experience within physical meeting points of Ingka.Who you areDAY TO DAY:Deploy cloud native solutions as per architecture guidelines and tech standards.Maintain and improve software engineering standards and engineering baselines.You will develop your craft and leadership to be best-in-class engineers and engineering practices.Work with the software engineering leadership to mentor and grow other best-in-class engineersCollaborate with tech teams across digital solutions in the store operational tools area t...

  • Cyber Security Officer

    Company Scania CV AB in Södertälje

    At TRATON Financial Services (TFS) we have started the journey to become the provider of Financial Services to all TRATON brands. Service include financing for customers, dealers, and distributors as well as insurance solutions. With a presence in over 65 markets, we are already one of the most global actors in the financial services industry and rapidly growing. Do you want to be part of this journey? Role Summary Are you a passionate and driven cybersecurity expert looking to work with advanced security systems and networks? We are seeking a Cyber Security Officer to design, develop, and enhance our cyber systems to meet the security challenges of the future.Job Responsibilities  As a Cyber Security Officer, you will:    Design and develop new systems, applications, and solutions for en...

  • Powertrain Embedded Software Developer

    Company Scania CV AB in Södertälje
    24.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    Scania CV ABRole SummaryAs an embedded software developer in R&D Industrial Operations Asia, you will have the great opportunity to work with both the conventional and electrical propulsion embedded systems, such as Engine Management System, Transmission Management System and electrical Electric Energy Management Unit. You need to enjoy both implementing functions and verifying in the suitable environment. You shall feel comfortable in the dynamic and international working environment.Job Responsibilities•    Powertrain software design: understand the system and breakdown to software requirement. Come up with software design with the expected system behaviors.  •    Function implementation: develop the modulization based architect and implement in embedded C or model-based Simulink to be i...

  • IT Projektledare till Nethouse

    Company Bravura Sverige AB in Göteborg
    24.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    Om företaget Nethouse är specialister på robust moln- och IT-infrastruktur och hanterar system samt applikationer med höga krav på tillgänglighet även i högt säkerhetsklassade miljöer. Nethouse förvärvade Why IT Solutions under 2024, ett företag grundat 2013 med fokus på att hjälpa kunderna att nå sina mål genom att erbjuda spetskompetens inom IT. Why IT har alltid präglats av gemenskap, hjälpsamhet och prestigelöshet. De har alltid värnat om sina medarbetare och erbjuder allt ifrån dagligt morgonfika, veckovisa yogapass, padelmatcher, utlandsresor och andra aktiviteter som medarbetarna varit med och format. Deras kultur, kompetensutvecklingsfokus och specialistkompetens går hand i hand med Nethouse värderingar. Även idag, som en del av Nethouse, lever den familjära känslan och det starka ...

  • Försvarsmaktens Cyberförsvarsledning söker Incidentledare

    Company Försvarsmakten in Ånge
    24.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    Cyberoperationer är en lika självklar del i modern krigsföring som mark-, sjö- och luft operationer och är därmed en naturlig del av det nationella försvaret av Sverige och svenska intressen.Försvarsmaktens Cyberförsvarsledning är ansvarig för den sammanhållna militärstrategiska cyberlägesbilden och vara en samlad väg in för incidenthantering. Operativa avdelningen utgör nav för informationsdelning och rådgivning avseende cybersäkerhetsincidenter. Vidare är funktionen samverkansorgan mellan civila och militära CERT- och CSIRT-organisationer utanför Försvarsmakten. Försvarsmaktens operativa avdelning är en resurs för hela Cyberförsvaret och leds av Försvarsstaben.I försvarsmakten finns en stark värdegrund där såväl professionell utveckling som personlig hälsa ryms. Något av det vi erbjuder ...

  • AI Development & Infrastructure Lead

    Company Meet a Group international AB in Stockholm
    24.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater.För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen:Use your skills to power the great shift. Join OX2 and the renewables industry and use your skills to drive a data-driven future. At OX2, we’re on a mission to harness innovative technologies that fuel AI advancements and empower digital transformation. Our dynamic, cross-functional environment encourages both strategic vision and hands-on execution, enabling you to make a lasting impact on our data-driven innovation journey.About the roleAs OX2 expands its global footprint and accelerates its digital transformation, the IT team is now seeking a leader who handles both strategic planning and tacti...

  • Senior Project Manager - SAP BRIM

    Company VIPAS AB in Other
    23.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    Join Our Team VIPAS AB as a Senior Project Manager SAP BRIM  Do you have what it takes to thrive in the vibrant world of IT consulting? VIPAS AB, a burgeoning company, proudly invites you to embark on your next engaging project as our next star.About VIPAS :Imagine a world where your business technology perfectly aligns with your goals—efficient, scalable, and innovative. At VIPAS AB, that’s exactly what we strive to create. As an IT consulting company, we don’t just offer services; we deliver tailored solutions using cutting-edge technologies like Java and Python. Our team is well-versed in software development, DevOps, and engineering, bringing years of experience and expertise. Think of us as your trusted guide, leading your organization through the landscape of modern tech adoption, en...

  • Process Manager

    Company SANDVIK AB in Stockholm
    23.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    Are you ready to drive business improvements and make a real impact!? Then this could be the next step in your career!At Sandvik Group IT, we’re now looking for a proactive Process Manager to join our Global IT Process team. This is a key role in driving improvements across all processes – using data and insights to enhance efficiency, ensure compliance and alignment with business goals. Welcome!About your jobIn this position, you drive business improvements using data and insights to measure effectiveness and communicate changes for a successful adaptation. You’re responsible for implementing processes effectively, identifying and suggesting improvements and tracking key results. You facilitate training, provide guidance and collaborate with cross-functional teams to optimize efficiency. ...

  • Senior Data Engineer

    Company Sergel Kredittjänster AB in Stockholm
    23.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    As we transition towards a cloud-based data platform with Microsoft Fabric, we seek a talented Senior Data Engineer to drive this transformation, ensuring scalability, efficiency, and compliance while maintaining operational excellence.About the role  We are looking for a highly skilled and motivated Senior Data Engineer with a strong background in data architecture and engineering to participate in our transition to Microsoft Fabric.Key tasks and responsibilities:         Data Architecture:                Design and implement scalable, high-performance data architectures within Microsoft Fabric.            Define and enforce data modeling standards, best practices, and governance policies.            Develop a comprehensive migration strategy from on-prem SQL databases to Microsoft Fabric...

  • IT Business and System Analyst

    Company Scania CV AB in Södertälje
    23.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    IntroductionThe world around us is undergoing a fast change with regards to sustainability and IT, and so is Scania. We believe in and are driving for a society that cares for the environment. Join us on our journey to be part of more sustainable transport solutions that we can be proud of.Within the Digital Engineering Solutions we develop processes, methods and system support to enable short development cycles and modularisation in Scania’s product development process. Within the product issue management group (EYMCD) as part of Digital Engineering Solutions we develop IT solutions, methods and processes for Scania to handle any deviations throughout the whole product life cycle.Check original ID or an equivalent document for proof of identityThe roleYour role is to analyse the needs of ...

  • Safety Manager at Motion Controls

    Company Scania CV AB in Södertälje
    23.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    .Join us now!Scania is now undergoing a transformation from being a supplier of trucks, buses, and engines to a supplier of complete and sustainable transport solutions. On this journey, we are looking for a safety manager to work with future challenges within our in-house developed motion control systems. You will be part of a diverse team consisting of other safety- and cyber security managers who together are part of developing state-of-the-art control systems for propulsion, steering and braking. The work is done in close collaboration with our co-brands, International, MAN, Volkswagen Truck & Bus, within the TRATON Group. AssignmentAs a functional safety manager at motion control your mission is to plan and coordinate the work with different stakeholders to ensure the developed produc...

  • Backend Developer

    Company Nolimit city Stockholm AB in Stockholm
    23.03.2025 Updated on: 25.03.2025

    We are looking for senior backend engineers to join us and expand our team of talented backend developers. You share a passion for building systems that delivers high business value without sacrificing maintainability, availability, scalability and quality. You will work on the backend systems that power our casino platform and help us deliver the best customer experience.Job description·       Design, develop and help operate our systems·       Drive technical improvements throughout the stack·       Together with product teams deliver the best games and business solutions·       Help scale our solution to customer requirements and business opportunities Who you are·       You have 5+ years of experience working in a mixed Java, SQL, Javascript environment·       Master’s degree in Comput...