Industrial Designer

  • Kundansvarig Säljare till Momentum Industrial i Kiruna!

    Company Norra Resurs Rekrytering & Bemanning AB in Kiruna
    21.03.2025 Updated on: 22.03.2025

    Momentum Industrial befinner sig mitt i en spännande expansionsfas i Kiruna och söker nu en skicklig Kundansvarig Säljare som vill vara med på deras resa. Som Kundansvarig Säljare på Momentum kommer du att ansvara för att bygga och vårda kundrelationer, både med befintliga kunder och nya affärsmöjligheter. Du blir en viktig rådgivare för Momentums alla produkter och tjänster. Ditt arbete kommer dagligen att präglas av hög service genom problemlösning och teknisk rådgivning i en varierande industriell miljö. Vad vi söker hos dig:    Du är driven, initiativrik och har en stark social förmåga.    Du trivs i kundmöten och har ett lösningsorienterat förhållningssätt.    Du har en teknisk förståelse och ett genuint intresse för industribranschen.    Du är van att arbeta självständigt, men har oc...

  • Lead Product Developer, Soft Goods

    Company Thule Sweden AB in Gnosjö
    21.03.2025 Updated on: 22.03.2025

    Do you share our passion for an active lifestyle? Here is an opportunity to work with a great team of people and play a key role in the making of great products that inspires to live an active life.Welcome to join our Global Product Development Team in Hillerstorp as our next Lead Product Developer Soft Goods.At Thule we believe in hands-on product development, and has the recent years invested heavily in our internal sewing workshop to support development like strollers, bike trailers and roof top tents. To enable this expansion, we are now strengthening our Soft goods / textile team with additional members. As a Lead Product Developer Soft Goods you will hold a key role in soft goods development team, a team that supports all product development projects involving textiles. You will coo...

  • Lager- och Butiksmedarbetare till Momentum Industrial i Luleå!

    Company Norra Resurs Rekrytering & Bemanning AB in Luleå
    06.03.2025 Updated on: 11.03.2025

    Är du en driven och tekniskt intresserad person med ett stort engagemang för kundservice och lagerarbete? Vill du vara med och bidra till en hållbar industri genom att hjälpa kunder att hitta rätt industrikomponenter? Då kan detta vara din nästa utmaning!Vad innebär rollen?I rollen som Lager- och Butiksmedarbetare på Momentum Industrial kommer du att vara en nyckelperson både på deras lager och i butiken. Här ansvarar du för att ta emot och skicka gods, genomföra inventeringar och säkerställa att både lager och butik hålls i toppskick. En central del av din arbetsdag innebär att ge kunderna professionell rådgivning och vägledning kring Momentums produkter och deras användningsområden.Dina arbetsuppgifter inkluderar:    Mottagning och hantering av gods.    Lagerhantering och inventering.   ...

  • Senior Mechanical Engineer for the deep-tech startup MicroDri

    Company MicroDri AB in Linköping
    06.03.2025 Updated on: 09.03.2025

    Do you want to be part of developing a new disruptive technology that enables a sustainable transformation in the wood industry? Do you want to take the chance to join a company early on and have the opportunity to grow with the company? Then we believe you are the person we are looking for! About the company MicroDri is a startup that was started in 2019 together with the defense and security company SAAB. Based on expertise and technology from SAAB, the company is developing a microwave-based solution for wood drying where you can follow and adapt the drying process on an individual level instead of drying large packages of wood at the same time as is done today. The vision is to become a global leader in flexible, cost-effective and sustainable microwave-based drying that leads the indu...

  • Senior Gear Design Engineer

    Company Leax Quality AB in Köping
    05.03.2025 Updated on: 08.03.2025

    Join us in shaping the future of R&D and gear design at LEAX Group!LEAX Group is looking for a Senior Gear Design Engineer with expertise in gear design and transmission development. We are in an expansive phase, growing our R&D department, and this is your opportunity to influence both working methods and technology within gears and transmissions.As a key player in our team, you will support LEAX with gear design and system optimization, working closely with customers to develop high-performance transmission solutions from concept to serial production. You will also act as a mentor and coach for junior engineers, contribute to public collaborative projects, and drive research in new machining technologies related to gear production.Key Responsibilities:    Develop and optimize gears for a...

  • Component Verification Engineer within Electromobility

    Company Volvo Business Services AB in Stockholm
    05.03.2025 Updated on: 08.03.2025

    "Founded in 1927, the Volvo Group is committed to driving prosperity and shaping the future landscape through sustainable transport, mobility, and infrastructure solutions. By offering trucks, buses, construction equipment, power solutions for marine and industrial applications, financing and services that increase our customers’ uptime and productivity. Our headquarters are in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Group shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm."Component Verification Engineer within Electromobility Who we areThe electric vehicle (EV) development industry is growing rapidly, presenting exciting opportunities within Product Development. To meet the demands of the future, we are focused on developing new, efficient ways of testing and verifying our products. Verification of our products is...